Make Sure You Change Your Air Filters!

April 5, 2021

We’ve all been there. We’ve snoozed the quarterly calendar reminder, or let it fall completely off our radar and stood in complete shock looking at the dirty filter resting when we finally get around to replacing it. Though often overlooked, changing your air filter is a critical step in your HVAC system’s maintenance. It may seem unimportant, but a dirty air filter can actually impact you in more ways than you realize. Cleaner Air A clean filter is a reflection of the air you are breathing. If you are 12 months into a single air filter,

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Why a Generator May Be a Great Investment for Homeowners

April 4, 2021

  You can lose power for a multitude of reasons including anything from a downed power line to a weather emergency. Whatever the reason, generators are a great thing to have when the power goes out! Purchasing a generator for your own home may seem a luxury, but let’s look at why a generator could benefit you.   Weather experts like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) agree that single and multi day severe weather instances are on the rise.

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Tips to Get Your Home Ready for Spring

April 2, 2021

Warmer days are ahead, and if you are like us here at WK, you’re more than ready! Now is the perfect time to ensure that your HVAC system is ready too. It can be easy to slip into Spring, turn your heat off and assume that all systems are a go for those hot months ahead. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Now is the optimal time to prep your Air Conditioning system so that any issues that arise can be addressed prior to the onslaught of summer heat.   Below is a

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