January 2, 2023

Your home should be the place you head to relax and unwind after a long day. If your HVAC system is not working properly and you are faced with the possibility of an expensive repair, we imagine you are going to face some stress!
The good news is…we can help!
There are several things that WK Mechanical can help you with to ensure that you move through the year with as little stress (when it comes to your HVAC system) as possible. Here are a few:
Regular Maintenance – The Comfort Club
One of the biggest ways to prepare your home for the future is to make sure your HVAC system is healthy. The best way to keep your system healthy is to have it inspected and maintained annually. We offer an annual maintenance program called the WK Comfort Club to help you do just that! It’s available for a variety of systems including Air Conditioning, Gas & Oil Heating Systems, Ductless Systems, Water Heaters and more! Look at our website to learn more. https://wkmechanical.com/maintenance-agreement/
Never Be Without Power – Generators
A power outage whether caused by a storm or another emergency can be more than an inconvenience. One way to prepare your home for the future is to install an automatic standby generator for some added peace of mind. There are many factors to consider when it comes to installing a generator, so it makes sense to consult the help of a knowledgeable technician. WK can help you determine the generator you need, how much your home’s electrical system will be able to handle, as well as how much of your home you would like the generator to power. Take a look at our website to learn more. https://wkmechanical.com/generators/
Take Advantage Of Rebates While Gaining Year Round Comfort – Heat Pumps
New York State has a Clean Heat initiative that encourages New Yorkers to convert from fossil fuels to clean energy by heating and cooling their homes with a heat pump. Rebates are available and you can
receive up to $14,000, we’ll even help you with the paperwork. Just in case you aren’t aware of what a heat pump does, a heat pump is a single unit that is installed outside your home and will act as both a heater and an air conditioner. It draws heat from the air and during the winter it moves the energy indoors to heat and during the summer, it moves the energy outdoors to cool. Find out more on our website at the following link. https://wkmechanical.com/heat-pump-services/
Do It The Right Way With WK – In Home Consultations
If you aren’t sure what solutions are best for your particular situation, consider having an In-Home Comfort Consultation. We will ensure your HVAC system is well suited for your home’s comfort needs. The professionals at WK will thoroughly analyze your home using the best tools in the business including free on-site water testing, measuring your home to perform a computer load calculation for correctly sizing your heating and cooling systems and pinpointing any other areas to help you improve the overall comfort of your home! Find out more on our website, here. https://wkmechanical.com/free-in-home-comfort-consultation/
Your comfort is our biggest priority. We want you to always feel at ease and comfortable in your home so that you can focus on the things that matter the most. If your heating or cooling system is not running as efficiently as it should be, please give us a call. Our knowledgeable Comfort Consultant would love to evaluate your home’s HVAC system, giving it the time and attention, it deserves.