It’s May and we are still here…staying safer at home! With all the quality time we are spending in our homes, it is more important than ever to make sure that your environment provides air as clean as it can be to all who are living there.
Since May is Clean Air Month, we thought it was the perfect time to share with all of you more about the importance of having clean air inside your home.
Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) can happen for many reasons. There can be contamination from chemicals or construction materials, but it often comes from everyday things inside your home. For example, poor IAQ can occur from an increased number of people being in your home for an extended time frame. It can also result from a HVAC system that is either not sized properly or has not been maintained adequately. If you are concerned about the quality of the air in your home, there are signs you can look for.
Signs You May Have Poor Indoor Air Quality In Your Home Include:
- Mold or mildew is present
- Unpleasant odors can exist
- An excessive accumulation of dust
If you’ve just read through the signs above and feel you may have an issue with the air in your home, you could be putting your health at risk. It is common for people who live in an environment with poor indoor air quality to experience various health conditions.
Symptoms That Can Result From Poor Indoor Air Quality Include:
- Dryness and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and skin
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Shortness of breath
- Exacerbated allergy symptoms
- Sinus congestion
- Coughing and sneezing
- Dizziness
- Nausea
The good news is that WK Cares and we can help! We offer a wide variety of solutions to handle the challenges that create poor indoor air quality. If you suspect an issue with the quality of air in your home, an HVAC professional can speak with you about the signs of indoor air quality you are seeing or the symptoms you are facing and create a solution to ensure that the air you and your loved ones are breathing is as clean as it can be!
An Air Purification System Can:
Destroy germs and bacteria that could be settling on your walls or furniture. Adding a UV Light to your existing HVAC system or having a Whole Home Purification System installed can help you stop the spread of germs before anyone in your home gets sick.
Attack odors that are the result of stale air trapped in your home or poor ventilation in the kitchen. A Ventilation System or Whole Home Purification System can help you keep healthy, clean air circulating throughout your home day or night.
Remove fine particles like pollen, dust and pet dander which is a huge help to those who suffer from allergies or asthma. A Carbon Filter or Whole Home Purification System are both possibilities to help get rid of the fine particles in your home and have you breathing cleaner air in no time!
Get rid of excess moisture before mold and mildew can grow. A Dehumidifier or Whole Home Purification System will help keep the air in your home from making you feel sticky and uncomfortable while stopping mold and mildew in its tracks.
If you want to learn more about making sure every breath you take is a clean as can be, we encourage you to give WK Mechanical, a call. We would be happy to talk through some of the concerns you may have and tailor a solution that fits your needs and budget. #WKCares and wants to be sure everyone enjoys clean air at home, not just in May, but all year long.